Friday, September 12, 2014

Sowing the seeds of our next generation: what does a good classroom look like? Weekly writing 3

"The expert in anything was once a beginner"

We are all beginners at one point or another, when I began my journey I didn't really know where I would end up. I know now I will end up in a classroom (hopefully) but I will still be a beginner. I will no longer be a beginner student but rather a beginner teacher. Starting from the bottom isn't easy, there are so many things you must consider walking into a classroom: How will I keep their attention? Will they learn anything? Is my room set up in the best way to facilitate hands-on learning? Are my objectives clear? Will my expectations be clear? 

Ah to many questions if you ask me...but that is the beauty in being a beginner you can only go up from where you are. The readings I am reflecting on today seem to bounce around from topic to topic at first. But once you dive in its clear they are about how you can create the best "seed". Jonathan Velze stated it pretty well "seeds thrown on uncultivated ground lack the environment necessary to produce a bountiful crop" as an agricultural teacher I am the farmer sowing the seeds of our future workforce. These seeds can come in prepared to be sown and others are wet and starting to mold. Its my duty to ensure each seed grows into the biggest crop it can be. 
Each article flows into ways of how to cultivate the ground in which you are sowing your seeds: from creating self-worth and motivation, to keeping your classroom exciting, teaching to each student, teaching in a varied amount of styles, and creating a safe environment where learning can occur.

Setting goals is a tricky topic, we want our students to succeed and not set unreachable goals yet we need to make sure the goals that are being set are S.M.A.R.T and are worth measuring up to. What good is the goal of "doing better" goals such as these are set by students unsure of themselves. SMART goals on the other hand are goals we all need to focus on a little more. I've been learning a thing or two about SMART goals and they are worth the extra work put into them.

Keeping your room exciting is a challenge we often think I am not creative enough for that. I had this idea implanted in my head until I read a book...
"Teach Like a Pirate" showed me that anyone can be creative it just takes one thing- work. With the help of some aids (Pinterest) I feel confident that I can keep my room exciting,new, and engaging. When students enter my classroom it will be obvious what our new unit is, what my expectations are, and that we are here to learn! In a fun way that is.

Be sure to check out Teach Ag's Pinterest page for awesome ideas on how to motivate students, learn new techniques, tips and trick for social media, and creative ideas on how to make your classroom a one of a kind experience!

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