Friday, March 13, 2015

9 weeks in...Not enough weeks to go...

Wow 9 weeks, I feel like I just got here last week! However, I can tell I've been here awhile since I can now see grass and found all the pot holes on my road.

Yesterday marked the beginning of my next chapter in life. I am pleased to say I will be the new Agricultural Educator and FFA advisor at Union City High School in Erie County. Not only am I ecstatic to have a job, I am even more excited that I get to teach agriculture: I get to do what I love for the rest of my life.

Part of me is excited to continue student teaching yet at the same time I can not wait to get over there and begin building my program! 

I almost forgot the ground isn't always white
This week has flown by, it could be from the amount of time we have been spending in the shop and working on labs, or it simply can be because the sun is out and its above freezing. Either way this week has gone by and I can not wait for this weekend!

Although it is Friday my week is far from over. This evening I will be visiting a farm to help with the 4-H dairy judging team. I am hoping to hook these kids so they will try the FFA dairy judging or handling CDE. Saturday is the annual Maple Weekend that I am very excited to help with! And then on Sunday bright and early I will be heading down to SLLC with 5 awesome girls and one amazing advisor!

We have hatched a few chicks 8 to be exact. Let me tell ya they are the nosiest bunch! I need to work on some class room management and manners with them.

Introduction this week was all about meat science. We learned the cuts of meat, the science behind meat, and even got to try out the meat judging CDE. As a lab this week we broke it up among the days and students prepared meat for Jerky, I must say it was some pretty good jerk. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed teaching meat science. I am really excited to start working on dairy foods next week!

Leadership has been all about banquet planning and parlie pro. I have really found the spunk and excitement in the students and we have been working well together! I am also excited that they planned banquet for a Saturday so I could attend! I look forward to seeing the 75th anniversary celebration dinner.

One of my animal science students building
a rabbit cage
In Small Animal Science we have been working on rabbits and other small animals that can be used as pets. We bred our rabbits this week and the count down begins 30 days till babies! A few students have taken on an independent project and are building new rabbit pens.

Horticulture this week has been focused on getting the green house ready and learning about owning and operating a greenhouse. Our flower experiment did not turn out as well as I was hoping for however I think I got the message across!

We have assembled our small gas engines and took our unit quiz today. As much as I love small gas engines I am happy to be packing them away and moving onto welding. Yay, well maybe not.

Making Pesticide Education exciting is a lot harder than I expected. Although there is a lot of great labs and activities out there getting the core information into the students is at times a real struggle. I have set a goal to only use power points once a week in the class, so far I have stuck to my goal and we are on week 2! I am using the smart board and doing more reading and questioning than power points which isn't much fun at all. So if you have any awesome pest ed lessons I would love to see them!

This week has flown by, and as much as I am excited for summer I am not ready to leave the nest of Northwestern. I feel like I haven't had enough time to bond and really get to know the kids. I look forward to working with a lot of these awesome students this summer as I develop my first officer team and to work with Mr. Honeycutt and his great program through out the years to come. I have been so blessed with all the opportunities I have been given and I can not wait to see what these next few weeks have to offer. Like house hunting...

Till next time!

Ill leave ya with this adorable picture of Blaze. I think he is a little jealous of the new bunnies so I try and bring him into class often(: and dress him up cause lets face it, that dino outfit is adorable!


1 comment:

  1. Rachel, sounds like a packed week! As you progress and get deeper into your internship, what are some struggles you still face? Do you still have challenges? Somethings to think about as you reflect week to week.

    Keep doing good things!

