Sunday, October 5, 2014

"Educators should be champions of every student who enters the schoolhouse doors."

Mind blown about differentiated instruction, I knew there was a teaching technique that focused on  different types of learning but I didn't necessarily connect the dots with it being differentiated instruction, I also didn't realize the amount of research put into this type of instruction. I know its very important and critical in the classroom and after reading more about it the research backs what we have been taught. There is just so much to talk about after reading just one article let alone the three others I found. So to highlight some key things you may(not) have known.

  • There are 3 characteristics of learners- readiness, interests and preferences.
  • Differentiated Instruction can be traced back to the 1600's! Wow they knew what they were doing back then, why can't we get it together now?
  • All differentiated instruction is based on the same curriculum expectations (unless an IEP is involved) this means you don't have to write 25 different lesson plans, you just write one!
    • You simply have to select a variation of instructional approaches 
  • All learners what to feel like they get to make the choices when it comes to their learning, by giving them the chance to make decisions they will put more effort into their learning
    • This can be done by letting them- Pick if they want to work alone or in groups, decided the order of assignments being due for a large project and allowing them to answer one question on the assessment by either writing or drawing.
  • However you must make sure all choices are assessed the same way across the board!  

Now you know a little more about differentiated learning! Woot Woot! Unfortunately there is so much more to learn about the subject and I know as future educator there is so much to learn about everything and there is not enough time in the I think its important to take everything in moderation and slowly incorporate more and more teaching techniques and variability into each lesson. 

Differentiated instruction is an important part of any lesson plan and I believe is important and will fall into place easily with a little per-planning.

If you want to read more about this interesting topic feel free to check out these sites I found when researching the topic.

A history of differentiated instruction
A brief over view
A BIG read on differentiated instruction in the Ag class room

Have a wonderful week and be sure to check back for more!

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